Simple Method to Prevent Water Entry From Balconies in Apartments and Houses

Simple Method to Prevent Water Entry From Balconies in Apartments and Houses

One of the ongoing problems with balconies in apartment blocks and houses is that if the balcony is tiled with tiles and grout, water from rain may enter the rooms adjacent or below. This is a very expensive exercise as in the extreme case the balcony may have to be rebuilt and the waterproofing under the tiles replaced.


It has been found that by the careful use of both water repellents and silicone sealants then the rebuilding of the balcony may be avoided. The surfaces should be inspected closely for significant cracks taking careful account of the floor/ wall junction. If there is a significant crack at this junction then this should be filled with a high quality gunnable silicone sealant. Once this is completed then Tech-Dry Tile and Grout Sealant should be applied to the grout and tiles in a wet in wet flooding application. The excess sealer on the tiles should be wiped from the surface.


This method may  be used as an economic first call for rehabilitation rather than demolition of the balcony and renewal.

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